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CASE STUDY: Customer 1, Llanteg Vending Machine

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Customer 1, aged 61, lives approximately 1.5 miles from Llanteg community vending machine and had previously used another milk vending machine until this one was

launched with the community vending machine alongside. He shops for his family and also uses another local farm shop, a butcher and a bakery so is keen to access fresh, local


What is the involvement with the PFCV project?

Customer 1 uses the milk vending machine and purchases eggs, butter, cream, ice cream and cheese from the community vending machines.

What aspect has been most useful?

Having local produce available next to the milk vending makes it so convenient and enables customers to pop in whenever they need to top up. The fact that the produce is so fresh, good quality and sourced locally is of high importance along with knowing where it has come from. He feels the vending machine would probably appeal to the health conscious and those willing to sometimes pay a bit more for the excellent quality and convenience.

What is the result of being involved in the project and the impact on the individual?

Using the community vending machine means being able to support and source good quality, locally produced, fresh produce. The machines being open 24 hours a day is incredibly convenient and directly supports local businesses, plus it can enable tourists to buy local too, which is part of their holiday experience. It’s good for reducing consumer

food miles in rural areas and so is good for the environment.

"We like supporting local businesses like this. It's innovative and the community vending machine is good for the green agenda." - LLANTEG CUSTOMER
"It reduces food miles and the adjacent milk vending machine enables us to reuse and recycle our milk bottles." - LLANTEG CUSTOMER

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PFCV Case Study - Customer 1
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